
Friday, January 1, 2016

Thoughts on a New Year

For that last dozen years or so, Mark and I have spent the evening hanging out at home. Some years we've had party food and a movie. Some years, we just went to bed early. Last night we did something different and went out. Shocking. I guess the older we get, the less motivated we are by being sensible. We left the kids to fend for themselves with fishsticks and chicken nuggets.

We went to a club, sat by the dance floor, ate too much food and drank quite a bit. Well, one of us did. Okay, I did. I drank. The unfair thing is that I feel great today. I just don't do hangovers. Feel free to hate me.

There were plenty of drunks dancing. Some were particularly entertaining. One woman was super drunk by about 8 pm. I've no idea what time her party started, but every so often her girlfriend had to go rescue her from the dance floor or maybe rescue other people from her. There was some guy in a blue shirt who periodically tried to do his version of Riverdance. Yes, really.

I'm glad we went. It was fun, but it wasn't all that. It was just another party. We ate, drank, danced, chatted with friends, but in the end, just another party.

I mean, a new year is just another new day. I can't say today feels like a fresh start. People like to make promises of change for the new year, but you can change your world on any day, right? There doesn't need to be some magic date, just a decision to change followed up with action. I'm torn on the issue of resolutions. If it helps people focus, good for them. Not sure I've ever stuck to a resolution. I'm not going to make any. I think I'm going to set goals instead.


  1. I bought a very expensive wine. I would have preferred a good book to go with it. Instead I had jollity. #curmudgeon.

  2. I just read the first mad hatterly and loved it. Is there any way to get the rest?

  3. I love you, lil itty bitty town.
    God bless you.
